Following the expiry of the mandates, the composition of the members of the Management Committee was updated with some replacements.

After thanking the outgoing members, the new entrants were welcomed and presented.

Everyone was reminded of the Committee’s role as a bridge between the community and the project. The Committee helps in the identification and selection of children and families to be admitted to the project. It helps in sharing information to and from the community.

The community is the “owner” of the project; therefore it must be updated, it must share information and problems in order to be able to discuss them in search of the best possible solutions.

The Committee must indicate to Cipad the path and direction to follow.

New members were given the opportunity to introduce themselves and they also took the opportunity to:

  • thank management for the excellent work Cipad has done to date to support the most vulnerable members of the community.
  • they said they already knew about Cipad but also learned a lot new today about supporting community projects.
  • it was stated that the project’s work is known for the facts that they have verified in the field; various beneficiaries have been supported in their villages and numerous are also the new ones welcomed.
  • it was said that the project has good relations with the community and that they will be committed to continuing to uphold the good name of the project.
  • they thanked them for choosing them and promised that they will work as a team.
  • one of the members was keen to point out that her family has been in the project for a long time and has benefited a lot from it.


– Cipad works in collaboration with the elders, who are the traditional village leaders; with mayors and government authorities, especially the child protection officer.

– Progetto-Sololo supports the OVC in home assistance and provides them with the answer to basic needs, when this is not present in the house in a sufficient way; such as: food, clothing, mattresses and bedding, water containers, household items, housing, education and psychosocial support.

– The project is currently supporting about n. 98 HBC families and a total of about n. 373 children of which n. 287 are minors and attend primary school; while no. 86 of them attend secondary school, high school and university.

– It also supports 26 elderly and needy people through clothing, home furnishings and a money transfer of 3,000 shillings each month for the purchase of food compatible with their physical conditions

– The project spends 345,000 shillings every month to provide food for HBC families. Provides; corn, beans, sugar, tea leaves, soap, cooking oil, salt

– The Obbitu Village can accommodate a maximum capacity of 24 children; currently reside there n. 12 boys and no. 10 girls.

– At Obbitu Village, children receive answers to all basic needs.

– The last 4 to arrive, were taken there by the government child protection officer pursuant to court order, after their mother was arrested for committing a crime.

– Child health assessment is performed twice a year. In particular, the growth of the child is monitored with the measurement of weight, height and the calculation of the Coproprea Mass Index. Cases of malnutrition and any other health-related problem are referred for management to the appropriate centers and/or hospital outpatient clinics since all the beneficiaries (families, minors and the elderly) have NHIF national health coverage paid for by Cipad.

– The education program for children who complete eighth grade and move on to secondary school requires their fees to be paid by Cipad.

– The agricultural area of the greenhouses produces green vegetables such as spinach, sukuma wiki and tomatoes. When there is water in the catchment areas, the surplus production is sold to the market.

– In the nursery, a great variety of seedlings are prepared for their transplantation during rainy seasons like this.

– Beekeeping is an important activity of the agricultural area. of n. 21 hives, at the moment after the prolonged drought, only n. 8 of them have colonies. Of the two damaged by wild animals, one was able to be repaired.

– During individual emergency situations, Cipad intervenes with support tailored to the individual subject with a social assistance programme

– During collective emergency situations, such as droughts, floods and subsequent famines, the project has provided extra food, hay for animals and water to HBC families with additional cash transfers for the elderly.


Of the total budgeted Sh17 million for the year 2022, Sh12 million was spent on the benefit of HBC children and families.

School fees and other tuition needs: kshs 1,977,716
NHIF National Health Service and hospital bills: kshs 1,420,400
Food, clothing, household items and rent: kshs 8,170,223
Social assistance welfare program and other supports: kshs 996,000